Growth On Autopilot

Setup your campaign and watch the magic happen.

Create Your Campaign

Get started instantly. It's very fast, you don't need to create an account, and it can be done in just a couple of minutes.

You'll chose the type, launch date, and then fill in some details for your campaign.


Connect Your Accounts

Once you've submitted the campaign, there is a simple process to invite Rise to connect with your social profiles.

Follow the easy steps for connection and once confirmed, that's it!


Check Your Email

You'll receive two emails.

The first is a receipt for your order and the second is a link to login to your account. You'll be able to set a password and then be taken to your Dashboard.


Go To Your Dashboard

Once you're logged in, you'll have access to view the status of your current and past campaigns, view campaign stats, and contact our team with any support requests.


Rise Does The Rest

Sit back and watch your audience grow. You'll receive email updates letting you know the status of your campaign, or you can check in your Dashboard anytime.

It's that simple

Frequently Asked Questions

How long is a campaign?

Typically around 30 days. Larger budgets may begin to expand that window. When you create your campaign, an estimated timeframe will be displayed.

What's included in the cost?

Every Rise campaign budget is fully inclusive: Setup cost, advertising spend, campaign oversight, and analytics/reporting. There are no additional or hidden costs. Spotify campaigns do offer optional a-la-carte fees for sending messages to subscribers.

Is the audience growth real?

Yes. All of the visitors are real people who have shown interest in viewing or engaging with your original content.

Where does the growth come from?

All Rise campaigns are delivered through high quality, targeted Facebook/Instagram advertising based on performance data. YouTube campaigns are delivered through the YouTube advertising platform.

What content is shown in the ads?

Rise pulls in your original content associated with your campaign and is showcased in the ads. Ads are chosen by performance data and your campaign goals.

Will the ads be delivered from my profile?

Generally not. Typically, we consider running advertising from your own accounts to be self-promotional and generate less results for more money. Rise operates a content publishing brand to deliver advertising from a neutral party, where subscribers are voluntarily discovering your content out of genuine interest.

How do I know the results are from Rise?

Rise campaigns are tracked with internal analytics tools to ensure you are getting the results from your campaign. Even if you have other paid or organic growth simultaneously, your results will be tracked separately with Rise.

Will you login to my accounts?

No, we will never ask for your passwords or directly access your accounts. Rise will however connect to your social accounts via a secure authentication to collect audience and analytics data, but this does not allow access into your account. This access is necessary to deliver successful and fully optimized campaigns.

What is the refund policy?

Refunds are accepted prior to the campaign going live. After that, the funds are committed to the campaign for the duration and cannot be refunded.

What's the right amount to spend on a campaign?

Great question – this differs for every person based on their unique situation. We’ve compiled our advice and recommended best-practices for you here: