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Digital Marketing Best Practices for Musicians, Creators, Artists, Comedians & Podcasters

For the past five years — and across thousands upon thousands of campaigns ran for major labels, agencies and countless artists worldwide — Rise has learned a thing or two about digital marketing.

So, we’ve decided put together a comprehensive lists of “Best Practices” for you.

Let’s start with our bread and butter — Spotify.

Spotify Campaigns

Single Campaigns:

  • For artists in the growth stage (fewer than 10,000 active audience members), we recommend allocating your budget at a 3:1 ratio of Exposure to Conversion campaigns.
    • For example, a $1,000 budget would be divided into $750 for exposure and $250 for conversion.
  • For artists in the mid-growth stage (more than 10,000 active audience members), we suggest a more balanced allocation.
    • For instance, a $1,000 budget would be split into $500 for conversion and $500 for exposure.
  • Note that Spotify Exposure campaigns with a budget of $750 and above automatically earn your song pitching to our Verified Partner Network.

Subscription Campaigns:

  • If you can allocate a consistent budget for monthly campaigns, our subscriptions provide significant additional value.
  • Subscription campaigns are automatically discounted through our site, and any Spotify Exposure subscription automatically earns you free submissions to our Verified Partner Network.
  • Anyone who follows an artist through a Rise Conversion campaign is automatically opted in to pre-save that artist’s future releases, so long as the artists has an active Conversion campaign. Many artists with longstanding subscription campaigns regularly receive over 10,000 pre-saves due to this long-term strategy.
  • You can read all about Rise Subscriptions here.
  • Learn all about our Spotify Conversion campaigns here.
  • Learn all about our Spotify Exposure campaigns here.

Instagram/YouTube/TikTok Campaigns:

Single Campaigns:

  • The minimum budget for social campaigns is just $50 on TikTok, and $100 on YouTube. These work great when promoting content in tandem with a Spotify campaign, and help artists achieve a more well-rounded marketing strategy.
  • On these platforms (YouTube, Instagram and TikTok) you can optimize your targeting for a global audience, or opt for Big-5 territories (US, UK, Canada, New Zealand and Australia).
  • Global territories provide great value, earning you more engagements and impressions for smaller budgets.
  • Big-5 targeting allows artists to promote to a more specific audience, but the cost is more expensive.
    • Pro-Tip, split your budget in half, and run a campaign for global, and a campaign for Big-5.
  • Video content generally performs best, with the strongest conversions occurring when the Reel/Short links back to a follow page on the same platform.
  • You can read a detailed explainer for every campaign we offer here.

Subscription Campaigns:

  • We also offer subscription campaigns for YouTube, Instagram and TikTok, which are highly effective at fostering consistent growth across platforms for lower minimums.
  • If you are a comedian or podcaster, our Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube campaigns are excellent for promoting your content. Our technology and targeting capabilities allow us to reach guarantees for nearly any type of creator.
  • And learn all about our Spotify Exposure campaigns here.

Remember, marketing your music, comedy, podcast or any brand of content is a marathon, not a sprint. Spend as much time as you can making the absolute best content you can make, then give it the marketing budget and strategies it deserves. And remember what Gary V says: don’t stop until you’re insanely proud of yourself!

Keep Rising!

Rise Mailbag: Your Questions, Our AnswerDigital Marketing Best Practices for Musicians, Creators, Artists, Comedians & Podcasters